Good afternoon!
Boa Tarde!
来月には楽しいお知らせがあります!Hello everyone! Next month I have one exciting news!
何でしょうか?What it is?
じゃあああああああん! tatannnnnnnnnnnnn!
ハス祭りが始まります!Next month will begin the Lotus Festival!
イェーイ!Uhulll! clap clap clap!
6月にハスが満開になる時期なので見に来て下さい!In June, is the season of Lotus. There will be a lot of flower of Lotus to see, so come and enjoy!
ハス祭りにその時期限定のハスツアーがありますのでぜひ遊びに来て下さい!In the Lotus Festival the will be a Lotus Tour that explains some interesting story of Lotus, so come and get fun!
See you later!
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